When your happy, we process the relevant documentation to reduce costs.

Reducing Energy Costs
Invoice and Tariff validations
Energy Invoicing has arguably become more and more complex; many businesses have reported that validating their invoice is a confusing task especially when keeping up with changing pass through charges every October. Billing errors are common, and on request we can insure that any errors will be brought to your attention via our invoice validation report.
Tariff and MIC validation is carried out immediately on becoming a National Energy customer this exercise can save your business thousand per annum.
Fixed agreement
This type of agreement is very straight forward as you are simply fixing the cost of the commodity for a fixed amount of time. This gives you low risk and the highest budget certainty.
Risk Management and Flexible Agreements
Flexible agreements allow you to take advantage of market conditions. This is where the risk management comes in. Having an expert in this area is vital as you must have someone with their finger on the pulse of the energy market ready to hedge prices when the time comes. We can create a tailor made strategy that automatically execute hedges based on certain market conditions and leading indicators.

Account Management
Firstly, when you start saving with National Energy you will be assigned a dedicated key account manager including all contact details.
We then create a data base for your business site(s) this allows us to answer any questions you may have about your invoice such as; meter reads, tariff changes, carbon output, consumption, Pass through charges or to simply know how much you saved on a particular month. Your assigned Key account manager can handle most of you invoice questions, no more waiting in line to get through to a customer service agent.
Many businesses have multiple sites and opening and closing gas and electricity accounts can be a costly exercise both in time and money if not done correct from the start. Our market knowledge is extensive, we can help you to add, close, Energise or de-energise sites.
Let us know if you wish to upgrade to more energy efficient systems we have made valuable collaborations with industry specialists. Depending on consumption, you may even be able to avail of a free energy saving audit to see where you can reduce energy output.

Green Energy
Green Energy
We are proud to be able to acquire be–spoke green electricity agreements for our customers. Green energy agreement means it is powered by solar, Bio, Hydro and wind. Customers who choose green are not only reducing their carbon footprint they are also helping to protect our future.
Corporate governance is time consuming we can help by producing Energy Carbon and Sustainability Reporting. In some instances we can actually issue you a green Energy Certificate to illustrate your company is consuming 100% renewable green energy.
Renewable Energy and Reducing Energy Consumption.
National Energy will always try to create more value for their customer, which is why we have collaborated with industry leaders that specialise in providing renewable solutions and energy reducing equipment. If you are a customer of National Energy and you wish to upgrade to more efficient equipment or you wish to install a renewable energy solution like solar panels, wood chip burner, PHP system etc… we have negotiated discounts that you can avail of.